H.E.A.R.T. Bursary

In these uncertain times, Byrne Creek remains certain that a sense of community strengthens the individuals.  This includes offering financial support to our graduates as they prepare for their post-secondary studies.   Are you financially able to support a Byrne Creek graduate with their tuition next year? 

Byrne Creek has a beautifully diverse group of students who excel in academics, service, arts, and athletics – their skills and attributes are awe-inspiring! Many of our grads will continue studying next year and will greatly appreciate your financial support. Especially in this uncertain time, Byrne Creek is committed to providing financial support to deserving graduates who are committed to pursuing their post-secondary education. Your donation to the Byrne Creek Scholarship fund will alleviate financial burden experienced by our graduates and allow them to delve deeper into their studies.  


Click here for more information and to donate  H.E.A.R.T. Bursary