Staff Directory
Business Education
Home Economics
CLEARY-DULAI, Jane Department Head | Foods & Catering
HARRINGTON, Erin Foods & Textiles
LONDON, Lawna Foods
Technology Education
BALOGH, Steven
COOK, Steve Construction Electrician Program


Course Descriptions

Home Economics

This course is designed to develop your cooking skills and take them to the next level. We will consider the “why” of cooking as well as the “how”. Some of the topics we will be covering are eggs and breakfasts, lunches including soups and salads, dinners, and desserts. We will solve simple recipe problems, discuss food guides, food costs and grocery shopping.

TEXTILES 9: Sewing
Learn the sewing techniques necessary for the construction of most garments. Projects will be chosen according to individual needs and ability. Patterns and fabric are selected in keeping with fashion trends and personal taste. Possible projects include pajamas, blouse, top, or shirt, skirt or semi-fitted pants, and a dress. We will also be doing some Coast Salish weaving.

TEXTILES 10-12: Sewing
Students who have completed a Textile Studies course can further develop their skills using more difficult fabrics and more complex patterns. Those students who have sewn since grade 8 will learn basic techniques necessary for the construction of three garments, (i.e. dress, blouse, shirt, pajamas, fitted pants, shorts, skirt, vest, unlined jacket, housecoat.) or other textile products using sewing and Coast Salish weaving. Projects may be chosen according to individual needs and ability. Patterns and fabric are selected in keeping with fashion trends and personal taste. These courses are offered as levels, so you can still take a Textiles 12 course, if you have only completed Textiles 8.

FOODS 10: International Foods
In this course students will explore food principles and preparation, focusing on staple grains and foods from other cultures. Course topics will include influences on foodways and preparation of food from a variety of countries, the impact of globalization and global food systems (e.g., fair trade, free trade, food security) on food production in various countries, and global influences on Canadian foodways.

Culinary Arts 10 explores hands-on kitchen experiences. This course focuses on professional food services, including safe food handling and personal safety, food service tools and equipment, units and types of measurement and components of food cooking methodology. Students will develop an awareness of the essential knowledge, competencies, and understandings needed to work in a professional food service environment.

Food Studies 11/12 aims to provide students with the opportunities to think critically about principles and techniques related to foods. Students will explore recipes and apply cooking principles using a variety of cooking methods to prepare nutritious dishes and meals, incorporating presentation and budgetary considerations.

Further advanced experiences in the commercial kitchen can be made available to those students pursuing Culinary Arts as a career goal. Students will learn foodborne illness prevention, kitchen equipment operations, recipe conversion, and ingredient selection. Senior students will explore menu design, methods and principles for seasoning and presentation, and cooking methodology from a variety of world cuisines. Students will be encouraged to expand and refine their skill set as they explore postsecondary and career opportunities in the culinary arts.

BAKING 11/12: Specialized Studies
This course is dedicated to developing baking skills through the preparation and theory of breads, cakes, pastries, desserts and other advanced baking products. Emphasis will be placed on the presentation and garnishing of prepared products.

This course explores a variety of relationship: friendship, parent, work relationship and committed relationships. We will use psychology to help examine how these relationships have evolved or end. This course also provides an overview of effective communication, wellness, and safety in interpersonal relationships.

This course explores past and present trends in both psychology and science in child development from pregnancy to age 12. This course will also cover how to care for babies and children at each stage: nutritional needs and brain development. This is an excellent course for those considering careers involving children, including healthcare, teaching, childcare, and recreation, or for those who simply enjoy being around children or who plan to eventually become a parent in the future.

TEXTILES 12: Fashion and Design Portfolio Building
Students will work to complete a portfolio for acceptance into one of several local post-secondary fashion programs. This could include a sketchbook, letters of intention, garment samples, fashion drawing, and art/design pieces. Students will explore and study careers in the design, production, and marketing of clothing and textiles. They will learn about textile choices and the properties, selection, and care of natural and manufactured fibers and yarns, advanced fabric and sewing terminology and Canadian Fashion Designers.


Information Communications Technology

The area of Information Technology encompasses evolving processes, systems, and tools for creating, storing, retrieving, and modifying information. As students design, share, and adapt knowledge in critical, ethical, purposeful, and innovative ways, they gain perspective on the long-term implications of life in a digital, connected world and develop literacies to responsibly take ownership of such technologies to augment learning and benefit society.

The Information and Communications Technology 9/10 curriculum offers students the opportunity to explore the following:

  • Text-based coding and design for the web
  • Binary representation of various data types, including text, sound, pictures, videos
  • Development and collaboration in a cloud-based environment
  • Design and function of networking hardware and topology, including wired and wireless network router types, switches, hubs, wireless transfer systems, and client-server relationships
  • Function of operating systems, including mobile open source and proprietary systems
  • Current and future impacts of evolving web standards and cloud-based technologies
  • Relationships between technology and social change
  • Strategies to manage personal learning networks, including content consumption and creation
  • Keyboarding techniques

In this challenging and exciting course, students will develop an understanding of various programming languages and gain a proficiency in the use of high-level programming language. This is a project-based course, designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore and learn a variety of computer coding languages for web development, animations, simple game design and more. All students, regardless of previous computer knowledge and experience, are welcome to take this course to learn an introductory level of programming skills or advance what they already know. Utilizing the applied design process, students will challenge themselves to think critically and creatively to plan, develop and implement digital projects that consider personal, social and global subjects. This course is open to grade 10 students.

Students in this course will be introduced to a variety of computer systems concepts from computer systems, to networking, to systems configurations. This differs from programming as those with knowledge in computer systems will look more towards systems and project management, infrastructure, or securities. Students will be asked to look at the deeper aspects of digital and media literacy, and consider the growth and development of different technologies in computing industries.

AP Computer Science is an introductory college-level computing course. Students cultivate their understanding of computer science through working with data, collaborating to solve problems, and developing computer programs as they explore concepts like creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the internet, and the global impact of computing.


Technology Education

ADST 8 explore various classes in Applied Design, Skills and Technology. You will spend quarter of a semester in Home Economics, and Technology Education. In ADST, students will grow in their ability to use design thinking to gain an understanding of how to apply their skills to problem finding and solving, using appropriate technologies. This course involves students in the design and fabrication of objects using a variety of materials, methods, technologies, and tools in order to develop their ability to shape and change the physical world to meet human needs. Technology Education includes areas such as woodwork, electronics, drafting, and robotics. In Home Economics, you will experience both Food Studies and Textiles studies.


Students will learn about different trades that they could lead into a future career. Time will be spent researching the different careers in the trades as well as how to get into begin working and learning to become a tradesperson. Students will explore and learn hands on what carpenters, electricians, and drafts people/designers do. Students will learn about the following:

  • 2×4 wall framing
  • Building and measuring stairs
  • Calculating project budgets
  • 2×4 wall wiring
  • Installing and understanding electrical components such as: light switches, outlets and lights
  • Designing in industry standard (AutoCAD) 3D and 2D computer design programs
  • Using Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) systems

Design is creative problem solving which includes visualization, sketching, and computer animation and incorporates the drafting process. Drafting is the set of skills that allows the designer to communicate ideas and design solutions to others through technical drawings. Through the application of computer technology students learn and understand drafting fundamentals, the intricacies of advanced computer applications, and the design process. Students will then take this knowledge to the CNC Router or the 3D printers to create things of their own design. Students will attain a foundation in basic computer operation, AutoCAD, and technical visualization. Byrne Creek utilizes the AutoCAD system within this course, as this is recognized as the industry standard. Students will be exploring the following:

  • Engineering and design cycles to project development
  • Drafting terminology and drawing conventions
  • Drafting styles, including perspective, mechanical drafting, and architectural drawing
  • 3D modelling using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software
  • Coding for creating 3D representations of design solutions
  • Equipment and tools for manual and computer-aided drafting
  • CNC routing and 3D printing

In these courses, students will develop an understanding of electronic design and implementation. They will use the design thinking model to examine a problem to create automated and user operated solutions. Students will learn programming languages and gain a proficiency in using these high-level languages. Students will incorporate sensors and controls of electronic systems to create real usable projects. Students will also learn about breadboarding, electronic components, printed circuit board design and construction using Fusion 360 and AutoCAD design software.
The Electronics curriculum offers students the opportunity to explore the following:

  • Components of an electric circuit
  • Ways in which various electrical components affect the path of electricity
  • Basic controlling features of input/p\output devices, sensor-based responses, and microcontrollers
  • Mechanical devices for the transfer of mechanical energy
  • Mechanical advantage and power efficiency, including friction, force, and torque
  • Coding, and various platforms for robotics programing


Metalwork involves prototyping, design, precision and problem solving. Students work though the different processes needed to learn competency with tools and machines through skill building projects. After the skill building projects, learners are given more and more project freedom. Much thought must go into projects so creating plans, collaborating with peers, making prototypes and researching concepts are looked at before the projects are begun. Safety while using machines is always the priority in class. Students will explore:

  • Computer numerical control (CNC) applications
  • Reading and preparing drawings, plans, and cutting lists
  • Design opportunities
  • Selection of metal for size, shape, and finish
  • Identification of ferrous and non-ferrous materials and carbon content
  • Start-up, shutdown, and handling procedures for compressed gas cylinders
  • Precision measurement
  • Lathe work and machining
  • Mechanical fasteners and fastening methods
  • Methods for laying out, forming, and joining metal


These courses offer students the opportunity to work through a series of projects that incorporate basic woodworking skills and operations to design and create objects in wood. The emphasis is on safety, accuracy and efficient use of time and effort. After completing the required projects, students have an opportunity to use their new skills to create a project of their own choosing. Everyone is welcome.
Students will learn about the following:

  • Woodworking techniques and traditional and non-traditional joinery using a variety of tools and equipment, including stationary power equipment
  • Importance of woodwork in historical and cultural contests, locally and throughout Canada
  • Identification, characteristics, properties, and users of wood from various tree species
  • Techniques for adjusting plans and drawings
  • The relationship between First Peoples culturally modified trees and sustainable use of wood
    Issues in sustainable use of wood


Business Education

This is an activity-based course that introduces the world of entrepreneurship and marketing. Students will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of all aspect of business: accounting, marketing, information, communication, stock market, and professionalism. *Students will be responsible for operating the school store.

This course is focused to provide knowledge that everyone needs in life with money. Do you want to run or work in a small business? This course is highly recommended for students who want to become a professional (accountant, doctor, lawyer, business person) and learn what is required to look after your own business. Learn the fundamentals of accounting and the techniques of solving financial problems.

This is a practical, activity-based course that provides a framework for theoretical and creative application of marketing concepts. Topics include retail marketing, consumer research, store operations, selling, promotion, branding and advertising. *Students will be responsible for operating the school store.

Do you like to travel? Tourism is BC’s largest and fastest growing industry. Tourism provides more employment opportunities than any other industry. In this course, you will develop the skills needs to be successful in this industry. Students who enjoy traveling, planning and learning about different culture.

Enhance your knowledge of accounting by tackling advanced topics. Part of this course will be taught as a practical application subject where you will learn to use various accounting software packages such as Simply Accounting (to set up and run a company’s accounting system) and Quick Tax (to prepare personal tax returns).

Got a great idea for a business? The course is designed to take students through the stages required to develop and begin to operate a business. Students will use the school store as an example of a “business” as a learning tool. The course will take you the necessary steps in writing a business plan and help students organize for operating a business and provide the opportunity to begin running a business of their own.



This is your opportunity to create your own piece of History! In this class, you will learn to take photographs and create layouts for our yearbook. We are looking for self-motivated, hard-working individuals who work well to meet deadlines and who like to be challenged. Yearbook 11 looks great on your resume and will provide you with lots of real-world experience!

Do you want to leave your mark at Byrne? Come join yearbook and help shape the look of your senior class’s yearbook. In this class you will learn use programs as Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Yearbook 12 is looking for leaders who are responsible and who enjoy the challenge of meeting deadlines and motivating their team members. The skills and experience you gain here will look great on your resume. 




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